In knowledge

Juniper is an evergreen tree that is  similar to a pine tree in many ways. Junipers are native to many parts of the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Junipers have been used in many parts of the world for hundreds of years.

Junipers are drought-tolerant and good in areas where water is in short supply. Junipers require very little water and often take over areas during periods of drought. A juniper can survive well with only a few inches of water per year. However, water requirements depend on the variety. Your cultivated junipers will grow better with 2 to 3 inches of water per week.

 Europeans used juniper berries as a tonic by infusing the berries in alcohol and drinking the alcohol. Gin and tonic was a popular preventative medicine among the British during the occupation of India. The gin was mixed with a tonic water flavored with quinine, an anti-malarial. Native North American tribes used juniper for wounds, sprains, tuberculosis, ulcers and rheumatism. Most native South American uses of juniper were as a medicinal herb.

Read more: Juniper Tree Facts | Garden Guides

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